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City Meetings

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All meetings are open to the public and held in the City Council Chambers of City Hall, located at 121 North Church Street, in Downtown Hudson.

Anyone planning to attend the meeting who has a need of special assistance under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is asked to contact the city clerk's office at (517) 448-8983 forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting.  Staff will be pleased to make the necessary arrangements to provide necessary reasonable accommodations.




City Council  

First and Third Tuesday of the Month @ 7:00 pm


There shall be a City Council of seven members consisting of the elected Councilmen and the Mayor, who shall be deemed a member of the Council for all purposes. The Council shall constitute the legislative and governing body of the city and shall have power and authority, except as otherwise provided in this Charter or by statute, to exercise all powers conferred upon or possessed by the city and shall have the power and authority to enact and adopt such laws, ordinances, and resolutions as it shall deem proper in the exercise thereof. In all cases where the word "Council" is used in this Charter, the same shall be synonymous with the word "Commission", or any other term used in any statute or federal law referring to municipal legislative or governing bodies.

Planning Commission

Fourth Monday of the Month @ 6:30 pm

It shall be the duty of the planning commission to make and recommend to the city council a comprehensive plan for the development of the city, including any areas outside of its boundaries which in the commission's judgment bear relation to the planning of the city. Such plan, with accompanying maps, plats, charts, and descriptive matter, shall show the commission's recommendations for the development of the city, including among other things:


              (1)  General location, character and extent of all streets, bridges, boulevards, etc.;

              (2)  Location and nature of parks and playgrounds;

              (3)  General location of public buildings and other public property;

              (4)  Location and extent of all utilities, public or private;

              (5)  General location of all parking facilities;

              (6)  A zoning plan for the control of land use; and

              (7)  The removal, relocation, widening, narrowing and change or alteration of any of the foregoing.


Recreation Advisory Board

Meets as Needed ​

The recreation advisory board (ARB) is created to provide the city council, city manager, and recreation director with ideas, advice, and suggestions on ways to create, maintain, and improve recreation programs and to create, maintain and improve parks and other city owned or operated recreational facilities.


Downtown Development Authority (DDA)

Meets as Needed 


Creation of the Hudson Downtown Development Authority

On October 1, 2004, the Hudson City Council adopted Ordinance No. 354.03, creating the Hudson Downtown Development Authority (DDA).


The General Development Plan for Hudson recommends the following:

              - Continued redevelopment of the commercial area by encouraging the reinvestment of public and private funds.

              - Improvement of existing parking areas and addition of more parking as well as pedestrian improvements that support 

                   and strengthen the business district, including streetscape improvements, and coordination with public facilities.

              - Enhancement of signage and information systems in the business district.

              - Promotion, retention and recruitment of businesses within the business district.

              - Establishment of special financing programs to assist property owners with appropriate exterior renovations and

                   improvements, both decorative and structural.





No person shall hold any elective office of the city unless he has been a resident of the city for at least one year immediately prior to the last day for filing original petitions for such office or prior to the time of his appointment to fill a vacancy. No person shall hold any elective office unless he is a qualified and registered elector of the city on such last day for filing or at such time of appointment and throughout his tenure of office.

Each member of a city board or commission shall have been a resident of the city for at least one year prior to the date of his appointment and shall be a qualified and registered elector of the city on such day and throughout his tenure of office.

No person shall be eligible for any elective or appointive city office who is in default to the city. The holding of office by any person who is in such default shall create a vacancy unless such default shall be eliminated within 30 days after written notice thereof by the Council or unless such person shall in good faith be contesting the liability for such default.

City of
Hudson, Michigan

Small town, big heart

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City of Hudson, 121 N. Church Street, Hudson, MI 49247 - 

Phone: 517.448.8983 - Fax: 517.448.7339 

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