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Hudson is a business friendly town. We take a personal approach with those interested in developing or expanding their business in Hudson. Our City staff will meet individually with you to discuss your ideas and ways in which the City and State can assist you to make your vision a reality. Hudson is located on the western edge of Lenawee County at the junction of US-127 and M-34. It is supported today by small business, tourism and several manufacturing facilities including automotive control mechanisms, carbon and stainless steel machining, metal stamping and screw machine products.

Industrial Park

The Hudson Industrial Park is located on 150 acres of land at the southeast corner of M-34 and S. Munson Highway at the southeast corner of the City.  The Park is home to several manufacturers, including the City’s largest current employer, Hi-Lex Controls, Inc. 


The Industrial Park is accessed exclusively via Class A all-season roads.  The major street within the Park, Steger Industrial Drive, was completed in 2013.  The development of the Industrial Park also saw the installation of all infrastructure needed for prospective manufacturing tenants, including storm and sanitary sewers, fire main, a retention pond and a 500,000 gallon water storage tank. 


Click on photo for expanded view. Click on arrows to scroll through slideshow.

Downtown Development Authority

The City of Hudson Downtown Development Authority (DDA) is a governmental entity designed to use Tax Increment Financing within a DDA district to make improvements benefitting the Downtown district. 


Streetscape improvements, property acquisition and rehabilitation, and decorative enhancements have all been used to increase the appeal of Hudson’s historic Downtown, and to keep it the epicenter of life in the City. 


The DDA holds public meetings at the City offices at 121 N. Church Street.

Chamber of Commerce

The Hudson Area Chamber of Commerce exists to promote the well-being of business in Hudson.  Small businesses, in particular, are the focus of the Chamber’s efforts, as are events designed to attract visitors to the City. 


Among the many yearly events sponsored by the Chamber are Downtown Trick-or-Treating on the Saturday morning before Halloween; the Downtown Christmas Parade; and Music Concerts now on the front lawn at the CSI (Southern Michigan Center for Science and Industry (550 E Main Street) playing regularly during the summer months on Thursday evenings.  More Hudson Area Chamber of Commerce information can be found on their Facebook page,  Celebrate Hudson or you can visit Hudson Area Chamber of Commerce Website.

City of
Hudson, Michigan

Small town, big heart

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Connect with Us!

City of Hudson, 121 N. Church Street, Hudson, MI 49247 - 

Phone: 517.448.8983 - Fax: 517.448.7339 

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