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Date: July 15, 2022
Permit No.: MI0021377
Designated Site Name: Hudson WWTP

The Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE), Water Resources Division (WRD), proposes to reissue a permit to the City of Hudson for the City of Hudson Wastewater Treatment Plant located at 107 Mechanic Street, Hudson, Lenawee County, Michigan 49247. The applicant collects wastewater from the City of Hudson. The applicant discharges treated municipal wastewater to Bean Creek.
The draft permit includes the following modifications to the previously-issued permit: Permit language has been revised to incorporate updated references and terminology.
The following new conditions have been added to the draft permit: Quantification Levels and Analytical Methods for Selected Parameters, Continuous Monitoring, and Inflow and Infiltration Reduction Program. Effluent limitation changes have been made for Carbonaceous Biochemical Oxygen Demand (CBOD5) and Ammonia Nitrogen (as N). Monthly monitoring requirements for Chloride and Sulfate have been added. Monitoring frequency revisions have been made for Total Phosphorus (as P).
Copies of the permit application, Public Notice, Basis for Decision Memo, draft permit, and other relevant documents associated with this proposed permitting action may be obtained via the Internet at (select ‘Public Notice Search,’ enter the permit number into the search field, and then click ‘Search’), or you may request copies be mailed to you by contacting Kendra Preston at email:, or telephone: 517-245-2090.
Persons wishing to submit comments on the draft permit should do so through MiWaters. Go to, select ‘Public Notice Search,’ search for this public notice by entering the permit number into the search field, click ‘Search,’ click ‘View,’ click ‘Add Comment,’ enter information into the fields, and then click ‘Submit.’ Comments or objections to the draft permit received by August 14, 2022, will be considered in the final decision to issue the permit, as will comments made at a public hearing should one be requested and held by the Department on the draft permit.
Any person may request the Department to hold a public hearing on the draft permit. The request should include specific reasons for the request, indicating which portions of the draft permit constitute the need for a hearing. If submitted comments indicate significant public interest in the draft permit or if useful information may be produced, the Department may, at its discretion, hold a public hearing on the draft permit. If a public hearing is scheduled, public notice of the hearing will be provided at least 30 days in advance. Inquiries should be directed to Bradley Popovich, Permits Section, WRD, EGLE, P.O. Box 30458, Lansing, Michigan 48909-7958;
telephone: 517-881-3479; or e-mail:

City of

Hudson, Michigan

Small town, big heart

    City of Hudson, 121 N. Church Street, Hudson, MI 49247 - Phone: 517.448.8983 - Fax: 517.448.7339 

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